木屋子 The Wooden Room 1995 剧情

导演:Vladimir Maslov / Yevgeny Yufit
主演:Tatyana Verkhovskaya / Vladimir Maslov / Igor Bezrukov / Sergei Tsvetkov / Vasili Deryagin
片长:65 分钟
别名:Derevyannaya komnata
  Wooow man this movie had some awesome death scenes in it. They were by far the best I've ever seen, even better than anything like when Jason chops the boy and girl in half through the tent (while they are having sex) with a spear. Even cooler cuz they are suicides! So inspiring I kind of want to do mine that way, yeah. Also, there are some cute pictures of beavers! REALLY cute. THough they could be puppet-beavers.


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