女裁缝 Shivachki 2007 剧情

导演:Lyudmil Todorov
主演:Elen Koleva / Aleksandra Surchadzhieva / Violeta Markovska
片长:Bulgaria: 95 分钟
别名:The Seamstresses
  On the day of his forced retirement, a grumpy school principal decides to look for a wife on the Internet. Its not love he is after. Merely companionship. He meets scores of women but cant seem to make up his mind. Until his new housekeeper arrives. She is almost forty years younger than him and a total disaster at housekeeping. For the first time in what seems a lifetime, he falls totally and desperately in love.   三名年轻的女孩试图逃离家乡失业的大萧条,来到了首都索非亚寻找一份工作和美好的未来。他们在这个充满了恐惧,毁灭所有天真和生活之光的世界中不断挣扎,战斗。一个女孩被玷污,变成了一个皮条客的玩偶;第二个女孩则纠结于一段三角恋情欲寻短见;而第三个女孩为了挽救她最好的朋友奋起反抗。一个关于爱,友情和勇气的故事。
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