小熊杰利米 Les aventures de Colargol 1973 动画 / 家庭

导演:Tadeusz Wilkosz
别名:Colargol / Barnaby / Jeremy the Bear
  English Canadian Lyrics   I’m a bear called Jeremy,   I can do most anything,   I can play and I can sing,   Little tunes like doh ray me.   When he heard me sing,   The King of Birds said to me,   ‘Here’s for you dear thing,   A whistle that goes tweet-tweet   Tweet-tweet tweet-tweet tweet-tweet, tweet.’   I’m a Bear called Jeremy,   I can do most anything,   I can play and I can sing,   Yes my name is Jeremy!   I'm a Bear called Jeremy,   Yes oh yes sir yes it's me   I can do most anything,   I can play and I can sing.   I should also say,   That I've got a heart of gold,   And in every way,   I'm adventurous and bold,   Adventurous and bold, bold.   I can do most anything,   I can play and I can sing,   I'm the Bear called Jeremy,   Yes sir yes sir Jeremy.   (Theme Finale)   This is where we say so long,   We'll be back it won't be long   With a story and a song,   And our good friend Jeremy   And our good friend Jer-e-my!


© 2019