地魔上身 The Phobos 2010 惊悚 / 恐怖

导演:Oleg Assadulin
主演:雅戈尼娅·库兹内索瓦 / 彼得·费奥多罗夫 / Petr Tomashevsky / Renata Piotrovski / Timofey Karataev
地区:Estonia / 俄罗斯
别名:地堡惊魂 / The Phobos
  一个夏日多雨的夜晚,一群年轻人来到一个由防空洞改造的名叫Phobos的俱乐部。一开始一切都很正常,但不久地堡的门突然被锁,这些年轻人被困在地下,没有光,也无法对外联系。他们先是开开玩笑,没有意识到危险的发生,接着他们开始害怕。他们不得不在离开地堡前,克服自己的恐惧。(文:life_is_good@YDY)   Rainy summer evening... Young people are arriving at the new trendy club named Phobos which is still under construction. Or re-construction - since it's a former bomb shelter which is reconstructed to become a club. At first, the party sees nothing wrong, but soon the bunker doors turn out to be locked, and the teenagers get trapped underground without light and communication. At first, all of them are joking and do not realize how dangerous their situation is. Then they get frightened. All of them will need to cope with their fears before the bunker will let them free.


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