阿森纳:温格的十一人 2007 运动

主演:Arsène Wenger / Thierry Henry / Dennis Bergkamp / Patrick Vieira / Robert Pirès
  这张DVD回顾了阿尔塞纳·温格作为阿森纳主教练的极其成功的11个年头。阿尔塞纳带领球队3次获得英超冠军,2次足总杯冠军(包括两次双冠王);他还使球队整个赛季不败。为了讲到阿尔塞纳在俱乐部所有的亮点,这位超级教练还在这张DVD里列出了心目中这些年里他麾下的顶级11人!   The Arsenal – Arsene's Eleven DVD takes a long look back at Arsene Wenger's highly successful eleven years as manager of Arsenal. Arsene led the team to three English Premier League victories and secured four FA Cup wins (including two 'doubles'); he also managed the team during the season they went undefeated. In addition to covering all the highlights of Arsene's impressive history with the club, on this DVD the super coach also picks his top eleven players throughout the years.


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